Putting Theory into Practice with the Community

A Narrative Change Twitter Chat

With a system that is not broken, but rather structured intentionally to foster inequitable and unjust outcomes, the need for narrative change is more urgent now than ever. “Humans,” Ella Saltmarshe writes, “have always used stories to make sense out of our chaotic world.” Narrative change “frequently involves collaboration across difference, bringing together actors with very different positions to re-envision the goals of a system and to change it.” We will continue to elevate the importance of narrative change among arts and culture funders on maintaining, interrupting, and re-imagining systems.

Scroll down to view an archive of our chat with guests Ella Saltmarshe, the Saint Paul and Minnesota Foundations, Individuals with Dreams, and @Living_Cities in which we discussed the intersection of #narrativechange and #artsfunding.

Grantmakers in the Arts GIA

Grantmakers in the Arts is the only national association of both public and private arts and culture funders in the US, including independent and family foundations, public agencies, community foundations, corporate philanthropies, nonprofit regrantors, and national service organizations – funders of all shapes and sizes across the US and into Canada.




Turning Differences into a Source of Creativity and Positive Change