please take your time
Ryuta Iwashita
please take your time to read this
please stop reading when you need to
please play the back ground music
please look around without turning your head
please look around as you turn your head
please soften your belly
please breath in and out as deeply as you would like
please remember that you are not a furniture
please remember that your heart is beating
please know that nothing is translated perfectly
Why! When I celebrate my multiplicity and bathe in it,
When my personality ferments into even more personalities,
When I intensely grow more faces,
When I seasonally flirt with myself making no sense to my own brain,
When I lowkey change what’s decided and married,
Wheん I highkey chaんge what’s already chaんged,
Wheん I live my life that is not miんe,
Wheん I become someoんe I am not iん love with,
Wheん I am a gender-ful embryo-baby-child-adult-elder persoん,
The noodles get soggy in the soup, aんd I caん seんse that I am doiんg enough in the soup.
please take your time to disengage
please remember that you are not a furniture
please remember that your heart is beating
please know that nothing is translated perfectly
ありがとう。thank you.
Ryuta Iwashita (they/them) currently lives and improvises in Bulbancha (also colonially known as New Orleans) in the USA as a movement/performance/visual artist and educator after living in Japan for 25 years. Their artistic lexicons are rooted in social justice, somatics, martial arts, child education, and ancestral work including 祖体 (SOTAI) of which Ryuta is its conceiver. Learn more at their website or find them on Instagram @ryuutaiwashita or Facebook.
Artwork courtesy of author. Image description: author wearing black, sleeveless top and gold, hamza earrings with long, black hair pulled back, standing against a black background.